Our Story

Our Story

What’s in a Name – 3Trees Glamping
There are two meanings to our brand name. The first is a reference to our geographical location, right below a local, natural landmark that is 3 Trees.
It is grouping of 2 horse chestnuts and a Sycamore that sit atop a rocky hillock and provides a vantage point for enjoying a panoramic view of the southern end of Wirksworth and the Ecclesbourne valley. It is popular with locals and dogwalkers.
The other meaning comes from us, the owners of 3Trees Glamping. We are Sarah, Paul and Izzie Wood, so we are the 3 Trees.
The land was part of farmland called Chequers Farm, named after the Chequers tree which historically could be used in the brewing industry. So naturally all the pods are named after trees.
Useful trees: fruit giving Apple, Birch for its delicious, energy giving Sap and Cherry for its fruit and beautiful blossom.

Our Family

I was born and raised on this Land. Our Glamp site is situated on land that was Chequers Farm. It was purchased by my parents in 1964 which was then a small agricultural farmstead of dairy cows. It was too small and became unfeasible as a farm and so diversified and changed over the years. Parts of it were sold off but we were lucky enough to have the chance to buy part of the land along with a dilapidated Log Chalet in 2015.
We have always loved the area and had an idea to build a campsite on the land and an Eco house on the site of the log Chalet. First was the house as we needed somewhere to live and then the camp / glamp site as we needed to create an income from the land. So, in 2017 planning permission was granted for the house, and so we set about doing a self-build. We eventually moved in to an unfinished but liveable house in January 2020. Then disaster struck when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and then 2 weeks later the Pandemic struck. As a family unit of 3 plus my Mum, we were grounded and had to completely isolate for the next 8 months whilst I received a tough regime of chemotherapy at home for 6 months, followed by surgery and radiotherapy.
It was a difficult time for us all but we were in the place that we love and surrounded by trees, fields and nature. It was a time of reflection and healing. A time to slow down and think. It was during treatment that I asked Paul if now was the right time to apply for planning permission for the Glamp site. It gave us a focus, an optimism and a hope for the future. The planners did not want a campsite as such but could see our vision with the glamping pods and the site ticked all the boxes of sustainability, so planning permission was granted with the full support of the local authority.
Work began the following year with lots of tree planting, landscaping, service ducts, a road in and minimal foundations so as not to disturb the earth too much. After looking at lots of Glamping pods on the market, we decided to design and make our own in our barn next to the site. It took longer than anticipated but, with the skills of our friend Ian and crew, we lovingly crafted our first pod on site and called it Cherry.
Izzie and I spent most of the summer of 2023 in Cherry pod whilst finishing the rest of the site. We needed to get a feel of it and experience it for ourselves. Izzie and friends loved it, so we knew we were on the right track if we had their approval.
Apple and Birch pods were hand crafted in the Cotswolds by James of Myshirehouses. James and I came up with the design and layout of these two pods which were different from any he had made before. They arrived on the back of a lorry and then carefully transferred to a tractor and trailer and brought to site. It was a nerve-wracking procedure but not for our friend John, he’s used to driving big tractors.
We then had to finish the interiors. I am an Artist and designer, and I love interior design so I had fun with Izzie styling them up.
Paul then built the decking and firepit areas. We enlisted the skilled help from friends Matt and John to help with the finishing touches, Matt laid the stone patio, laid all the tracks and paths, whilst John helped Paul to build the lovely lean-too on Apple pod. The paths were laid out to look like the branches of a tree from the trunk base at the car park and covered with a different coloured stone.
Each pod has their own unique layout and character, their own patio or deck and garden, the choice is yours.

About this funny little town, Wirksworth

Wirksworth or “Quirksworth” as King Charles once referred to it, is a uniquely different Market Town in the Centre of England. With its fabulous Architecture spanning many centuries, styles and changing needs of its inhabitants, it now boasts an array of independent shops, café’s, Restaurants and pubs, even a boutique cinema, there is usually something going on in this place. There is a talented community of musicians and singers which you can hear in different venues throughout the year or just impromptu jamming in one of the local hostelries.
There is a great selection of pubs and restaurants.
There is a vibrant creative community of Artists (I am one of them) that host a celebration of Arts and Architecture in an Arts festival held in shops and private homes around the town during September. This brings in many people from all over the country. I know some people that have come for that weekend and never left. Wirksworth gets you like that. My family have been here for generations so it is literally in my blood. Paul’s been here for over forty years so he is nearly a local.
Walk in any direction and you will find something of interest be it the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway, The Heritage Centre, Gallery MI, The Star Disc, The National Stone Centre, Black Rocks and High Peak Trail, plus all the shops around the town. The Leisure centre has lots to offer especially an indoor climbing wall. There are several Free Childrens parks the biggest is Fanny Shaw’s with lots of play equipment and a new skate park under construction.
We have a weekly Tuesday Market and a vibrant, Farmers Market on the 1st Saturday of the month with live music, artisan food, produce and a few surprises along the way.
Throughout the year there are many events to look out for including the Book festival, Marmalade Festival, Antiques in the Streets, Well Dressings and Carnival, Open Gardens and Courtyards, Arts Festival, Stardisc Disco’s, Landlocked Festival, The Wizarding Weekend is brilliant, not to mention all the other performances happening in the Town hall and other venues around the town throughout the year.
Make sure you stay around long enough to enjoy what this lovely town has to offer.

Our Aspirations.

We are passionate about our environment and very ecologically aware. We try to enhance our environment as much as possible with tree planting, year on year, to create habitat, food, help combat climate change, clean the air, help to prevent flooding and Trees are good for mental health too. Our pods are insulated and are heated with electricity. The waste water is treated in a sewage treatment plant only using natural bacteria and air to naturalise and turn the waste back in to clean water. We have low level solar lighting outside so as not cause light pollution and disturb wildlife.
The wildlife that lives here are not perturbed by us or guests. There are rabbits hopping for joy, pheasants strutting their stuff, hedgehogs snuffling around, a Hare, Moorhens, Herons, Buzzards, Jays and so much more to spot. Then there are our resident cheeky Chickens free-ranging during the day.
Who says you can’t have luxury, comfort and modern convenience living alongside nature and sustainable holidays?
In the future we are looking at adding some farm animals on adjacent farmland. I have kept and bred horses for most of my life, I have recently been on some alpaca husbandry training, so watch this space. Who knows what we might do!
Whether you come here to relax, be inspired, use as a base to explore the area, go walking or cycling on the many surrounding trails, we hope you have a memorable stay with us.
All the best,
Sarah X